阅读足迹 永久书架

第28部分 (第1/7页)


roix's execution。 That thought led to how Percy was going to be out front this time; and I felt a shiver of dread。 I told myself to just go with it; one execution and we'd very likely be shut of Percy Wetmore for good 。。。 but still I felt that shiver; as if the infection I'd been suffering with wasn't gone at all; but had only switched locations; from boiling my groin to freezing my backbone。


〃e on;〃 Brutal told Delacroix the following evening。 〃We're going for a little walk。 You and me and Mr。 Jingles。〃

Delacroix looked at him distrustfully; then reached down into the cigar box for the mouse。 He cupped it m the palm of one hand and looked at Brutal with narrowed eyes。

〃Whatchoo talking about?〃 he asked。

〃It's a big night for you and Mr。 Jingles;〃 Dean said; as he and Harry joined Brutal。 The chain of bruises around Dean's neck had gone an unpleasant yellow color; but at least he could talk again without sounding like a dog barking at a cat。 He looked at Brutal。 〃Think we ought to put the shackles on him; Brute?〃

Brutal appeared to consider。 〃Naw;〃 he said at last。 〃He's gonna be good; ain't you; Del? You and the mouse; both。 After all; you're gonna be showin off for some high muck…a…mucks tonight。〃

Percy and I were standing up by the duty desk; watching this; Percy with his arms folded and a small; contemptuous smile on his lips。 After a bit; he took out his horn b and went to work on his hair with it。 John Coffey was watching; too; standing silently at the bars of his cell。 Wharton was lying on his bunk; staring up at the ceiling and ignoring the whole show。 He was still 〃being good;〃 although what he called good was what the docs at Briar Ridge called catatonic。 And there was one other person there; as well。 He 

《绿里奇迹黑人演员去世》 第28部分(第1/7页),本章未完,点击下一页继续阅读。