阅读足迹 永久书架

第12部分 (第1/7页)


nged when he did not approve of them。

Here was a man who had not gone along with the crowd。 He was a man who did his own thinking and detested the words; 〃We have to do it this way because that's the way everyone else does it。〃 He also hated the word 〃can't。〃 If you wanted him to do something; just say; 〃I don't think

you can do it。〃

Mike and I learned more sitting at his meetings than we did in all our years of school; college included。 Mike's dad was not school educated; but he was financially educated and successful as a result。 He use to tell us over and over again。 〃An intelligent person hires people who are more intelligent than they are。〃 So Mike and I had the benefit of spending hours listening to and; in the process; learning From

intelligent people。

But because of this; both Mike and I just could not go along with the standard dogma that our teachers preached; And that caused the problems。 Whenever the teacher said; 〃If you don't get good grades; you won't do well in the real world;〃 Mike and I just raised our eyebrows。 When we were told to follow set procedures and not deviate from the rules; we could see how this schooling process actually discouraged creativity。 We started to understand why our rich dad told us that schools were designed to produce good employees instead of employers。

Occasionally Mike or I would ask our teachers how what we studied was applicable; or we asked why we never studied money and how it worked。 To the later question; we often got the answer that money was not important; that if we excelled in our education; the money would follow。

The more we knew about the power of money; the more distant we grew from the teachers and our classmates。

My highly educated dad never pre

《富爸爸穷爸爸官网》 第12部分(第1/7页),本章未完,点击下一页继续阅读。