阅读足迹 永久书架

第40章 女单短节目2 (第1/2页)


江嘉禾和李之森教练在等分区坐下后,李之森教练轻声说:“嘉禾,不要生气了好不好嘛。” 江嘉禾闻言笑着说:“教练,我可没有生气。 我笑的这么开心,你怎么可以说我生气了呢?” 李之森教练听到江嘉禾这样说后,便知道了江嘉禾刚才是在和自己开玩笑,于是整个人便放松下来了。 “Jiang Jiahe's short program score is 97.87, with a technical score of 57.52 and an artistic score of 40.35, currently ranking first.” “江嘉禾短节目得分为97.87,其中技术得分:57.52、艺术得分:40.35,目前暂列第一。” 李之森教练看到江嘉禾的分数后,低声说:“短节目第一应该是稳得了,自由滑加油吧。” 江嘉禾闻言点了点头,随后和李之森教练起身离开了等分区。 在回到后台时,江嘉禾便在工作人员的带领下去了混合采访区,而李之森教练则是留在原地等待江嘉禾采访结束回来。 ——混合采访区—— 【记者a】How do you feel about the performance of today's short program? 【翻译人员】对今天短节目的表现感觉如何? 【江嘉禾】我觉得今天自己的整体表现应该还是不错的。 【翻译人员】I think my overall performance today should be quite good. 【记者b】How is the selection of music for the short section determined? 【翻译人员】短节目的选曲是怎么决定的呢? 【江嘉禾】我和教练组一起选的,然后觉得这个曲子比较适合就选了。 【翻译人员】I chose it together with the coaching staff, and I decided that this song was more suitable. 【记者c】Will there be any further changes to the program configuration for the uping free skate petition? 【翻译人员】接下来的自由滑比赛节目配置是否还会更改? 【江嘉禾】这个目前是不会更改的,但是还是要看当天的状态如何才能最终决定这个配置是否更改。 【翻译人员】This will not be changed at the moment, but it still depends on the status of the day before the final decision can be made whether to change this configuration. 【记者d】What do you think is the probability of you winning the gold medal now? 【翻译人员】你现在觉得你拿下金牌的概率有多少呢? 【江嘉禾】这个不好说,因为前辈们都非常厉害,我会拼尽全力的去冲击金牌。 【翻译人员】It's hard to say, because my predecessors are all very talented, and I will do my best to pete for the gold medal. 【记者e】After the Winter Olympics, will you participate in the World Championships? 【翻译人员】这次冬奥会结束后,你会参加世锦赛吗? 【江嘉禾】如果有机会去参加世锦赛的话,那我肯定会去的。 【翻译人员】If there is a chance to participate in the World Championships, then I will definitely go. 【记者a】I'm glad you're here for our interview. I wish you good results in the uping free skate petition.小主,这个章节后面还有哦

《花滑夺冠对比》 第40章 女单短节目2(第1/2页),本章未完,点击下一页继续阅读。