第5部分 (第1/5页)
un never sets on the British Empire )第一次世界大战(War I)第二次世界大战(War II)联合国(The UN)欧盟(The European Union )欧洲的今天 (Europe Today)向前看 (Looking Ahead)——————————————————————————————————————…———视觉艺术书目——————————————————————————————————————————书名: 视觉艺术 (Visual Arts)引言 (Introduction)人类创作艺术已经很长时间了 (People Have Been Making Art for a Very Long Time)正文缤纷的世界 (A World of Color)画线条 (Get in Line!)画图形 (Get in Shape!)质地:哦,如此的感觉!(Texture: Oh; What a Feeling!)好好看:肖像 (Looking Good: Portraits)自画像:好好看看你自己 (Self…Portraits: Take a Good Look at Yourself)静物画 (Hold Still!)壁画:画在墙上的画 (Murals: Paintings on Walls)——————————————————————————————————————————音乐书目——————————————————————————————————————————书名:音乐 (Music)引言 (Introduction)乐器和乐器分类 (Instruments and Their Families)管弦乐团 (The Orchestra)伟大的作曲家 (Great posers)莫扎特,一个wonder男孩 (〃Mozart the Wonder Boy〃)音乐可以讲述故事 (Music Can Tell a Story)音乐舞台剧:歌剧 (Dramas with Music: Opera)音乐可以让你运动 (Music Can Make You Move)爵士音乐 (jazz)旋律与和声 (Melody and Harmony)我有了节奏 (I've Got Rhythm!)音乐的读写 (Reading and Writing Music)一些受人喜爱的歌曲 (A Few Favorite Songs)美丽的美利坚 (America; the Beautiful)Blow the Man Down蟑螂歌 (La Cucaracha (The cockroach))比利男孩 (Billy Boy)走在河滩上 (Down by the Riverside)他是一个快乐的好小伙 (For He's a Jolly Good Fellow)流入山谷 (Down in the Valley)Dry Bones两只老虎 (Frere Jacques/Brother John) (东升注:中文翻译时,歌词和歌名全都改了。)麦克划船上岸 (Michael; Row the Boat Ashore)在老斯莫基山顶上 (On Top of Old Smoky)她将绕过这座山脉过来 (She'll be min' Round the Mountain)跳跃的灵魂 (Skip to my Lou) (东升注:此处翻译可能不准)我的水桶有一个洞 (There's a Hole in the Bucket)带我出去看球赛 (Take Me Out to the Ball Game)——————————————————————————————————————————数学书目——————————————————————————————————————————书名:数学 (Mathematics)引言 (Introduction)模式和分类 (Patterns and Classifications)数和数的认知 (Numbers and Number Sense)从一到十 (Numbers from 1 to 10)多一个和少一个 (One More and One Less)序数 (Numbers
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